Tuesday 9 October 2012

My Dad and Facebook

What a day for me today at work, with the deadline of work that need to be fulfill as our company annual dinner is just around the corner, it is a stressful day. While I'm browsing through my facebook, surprisingly, I’ve found this photo from my dad's facebook. Wow, since when that he know how to do this??

1 of my dad artwork..his fav sate from his hometown at Baling, Kedah..
FYI, my dad used to scold us (me and my siblings) that too much concentrate on phone to facebooking. Whenever my cousins asked him do he has any facebook account, he will reply with : “pakteh takde facebook, muka buka 555 ada la”.. But, thing change honestly, he just bought his Samsung note few months back. After he got his new android with 3G; now he is the master of everything with the apps in his Samsung Note.

Honestly, we did ‘happily’ influence our dad to be part of social media. What we did is we start to create a facebook account for him. Not only that, even create an email for him so that he can register his facebook account. When we created the account for him, he did mumble to us saying that what is that for, he doesn't need that.  Things change after he attended a reunion with his ex-school mates, what surprising us he started to ask us on how to use the facebook.  And why did his so much interest in facebook out of sudden, this is because his friend start to tell him that: “eh, ada facebook tak? Nanti add la, then can upload gambar harini on facebook”.. =)

Source: PicsArt_photo_studio_android
Ever since that day, my dad active in facebook, or should I say addicted to it (which I think it is a bad news to us as he will know what are the little secret things that we did behind his back! Opps..sorry papa..) but come to think at the positive side, it is a good exposure for him to the social media and also technologies. At least now he even can whatsapp us instead of calling us to check where we are (sigh).  Now, my dad is addicted to this app called picsART. Taking photo is one of his interests, with Samsung Note with high megapix of camera, he can snap photo by using the phone and edit plus upload it straight to his facebook account.

Well, what I’m trying to say is, it might be difficult for them (baby boomers) to adapt technologies and all this social network thingy. But, if they found things that really can helps them to enhance their skills, I think they are willing to learn, no matter how complicated it was, they will definitely able to adapt it.

Huh, thank god my dad don't blogging, only if he knew I'm uploading his facebook page here.... love you pa!

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