Monday 19 January 2015

Caliph Buskers #AJL29

Sepanjang perjalanan nak ke tempat kerja pagi tadi, masih terngiang-ngiang lagu Romancinta yang disiarkan dalan AJL29. What attract me so much is not really the song but the performers that perform last night. Such an amazing performance by Caliph Buskers! 

MasyaAllah, it's really an eye opener for me when I saw this. I'm like, Subhanallah! Saya percaya yang setiap kejadian yang Allah jadikan, semua nya sempurna sebaik-baik hamba yang diciptakan. My first thought was, wow, how confident are they to perform in such a huge crowd, plus it is a live show ok! 

Here's the video

After watching, It makes me think that, siapa pun kita, jangan lah sekali-kali kita kufur dengan apa yang telah dikurniakan oleh Allah S.W.T. Jadilah hamba yang sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang telah diberikan. Sentiasa berusaha dan berdoa, bertawakal dan percaya lah rezeki itu ada untuk kita, 

Enjoy the video guys, it's really touch my heart, hope it does touch yours too!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

F.A.M.I.L.Y Bonding Time!

Yeay! My first blog after couple of year creating it, first blog in year 2015.

Well, I hope it's never too late to wish this, well Happy New Year to all!

It's a bit out dated, but today's entry is to talk about our 1st family outing. When I mentioned 1st outing, it's refer to Papa, Mama, Siblings and in-laws. Yes! Family kami dah berkembang, Alhamdulillah. After me got married in February, my second brother also got married in November. Ehem, full of joy for Uncle Lu's family right (dapat 2 menantu sekaligus dalam masa setahun).

So, in order to cater everyone's availability, my mom suggested that, ok, let's go for a short trip, weekend trip. Fikir punya fikir, ok, paling dekat, Melaka kato eh. Moh la kito poie Melaka. So there's no specific planning, just go with the flow. Misi kali ini, santai and jalan-jalan cari makan! Hee..

Day 1
Ikut kehendak my mom, dia teringin sangat nak merasa mee bandung kat Muar. According to my cousin sister there's 1 stall that selling nice mee bandung. So we started our journey in the morning by hoping that we can had our breakfast in Muar. Off we go and we arrived Muar almost 11.00am, first destination : Mee Bandung at Restoran Abu Bakar Hanipah. Not bad la, this place was recommended by a friend and it seems Sultan Johor did come and eat mee bandung there too!
Mee Bandung!

Second destination, food attempt, let's look for asam pedas! From Muar, off to Melaka we go, searching for craving asam pedas. Kami pun sampai la di Restoran Lot Lapan Lima (85), mengikut kata adik kita, kedai ni famous. Tapi bila sampai, sedikit kecewa sebab restoran ni rupanya jual ala-ala nasi campur style, so asam pedas dia pun bukan masak fresh. Tapi sebab lapar, ok la, asam pedas ikan pari dia not bad (sebenarnya kita mengidam nak asam pedas daging!). Next trip kena cari juga asam pedas daging tu.

Nasi Ulam-ulam and asam pedas!

Perut dah kenyang, so we decide to check-in hotel dulu. This time around we stayed in Hatten Hotel, nearby to Mahkota Parade. Since it was Christmas season, so all hotel decoration is in Christmas mood! Nice hotel, thanks pa for sponsoring our accommodation, or should I say, for the whole trip! ;)

Petang tu kami pusing pekan Melaka plak, sesak ok! Mungkin sebab musim cuti sekolah, so, we decide just to walk. Pusing-pusing tangkap gambar, lepas tu pekena la cendol, dekat area jam besar tu. We ordered cendol biasa and cendol special (special as in cendol come with ice cream ok!), owhsome! 
Cendol Special!

Penat pusing-pusing, balik hotel ambil kereta, kami terus keluar nak makan malam plak. We went all the way to Portuguese Settlement for Seafood! Due to traffic jam, we reach there almost 9.30pm. Looking at the village, I'm so amazed with the decoration of each houses, so in Christmas spirit (a rare scenery in KL, I only seen house full with hari raya or CNY deco ok!). Pass by housing area, finally, we saw a stretch of restoran serve seafood along the beach. But because it's dark (sebab malam kan), yang dengar hanyalah suara riuh rendah manusia dan bunyi ombak yang sayu-sayu. Order lambat, sampai pun lambat. once the food sampai, terus serang! Sampai tak sempat nak tangkap satu gambar pun, hehe.

Gendang-gendut tali kecapi
Kenyang perut senang hati
Terbayang bilik hotel katil menanti
Apa lagi, jom la balik tidur!

Eh, haha.. Lepas makan kami pun pulang untuk tidur..

Day 2
It's a rainy Sunday! Sigh..semua benda yang we all plan terbantut pada hari itu. Therefore, we had great breakfast at the hotel, hang out a while at the cafe and chit chat. Wait till almost 10.00am, rain doesn't show any sign that it will stop. So we decided to have a walk in the next mall. 

After a while, hey, lunch time! As we walk down the road, we saw this Baba Nyonya Restaurant called 'Restaurant Ole Sayang'. Dari luar restoran nampak macam tak ada orang, but the moment we open the door it's like, wow! So pack and none of the table is available. We just make a guess that, mesti restoran ni sedap, and we decided to just wait for an empty seat. After almost 15 minutes of waiting, we manage to get a table and quickly ordered as most of us starving (padahal semua heavy breakfast kut, hehe!). I can tell you, this restaurant is totally recommended, the food was super! The asam pedas, nyonya style totally different compared to the malay's style asam pedas. Bila teringat balik pun dah meleleh air liur. Nyum!

Tadaa! Here's our nyummy delicious lunch

After lunch we all check-out from hotel and heading to Klebang for the famous coconut shake. It's still drizzly, but we still go for it. Melaka tak singgah Klebang, macam kekurangan sesuatu disitu ok! Nak tak nak pergi jugak la.

Coconut Shake bebeh!

And last pit-stop of the day, mestila singgah makan cucur udang Alor Gajah! Sebelum ni pernah dengar je orang bercerita, ramai yang kata sedap. But for me, ok la, it just a bit weird to have cucur udang with any prawn in it. Tehee!

Nah, cucur udang without udang and add some kepoks

I can said mission almost complete, this is because we did not manage to go Jonker Street coz of raining. But, all of us enjoyed and I really hope that we can arrange for more family trip in the future. ^_^

Smile Everyone!